Written By: Flipbz.org
BFD Coin has similar interface as Yescoin and was created by the same team.
I'm the game, there's nothing like profit per hour or daily combo. Everything will be decided by the total number of coins you earned in the game.
There are total of 5 levels in the game
Bronze level - 0 coin
Silver level - 100k coin
Gold level - 1 million coin
Platinum level - 10 million coins
Diamond level - 30 million coins
You can reach gold level by completing most of the task in the earn section, especially the connect wallet task that will give you 500k coins.
By completing these tasks you will stand out from majority of the people that joined the game that haven't done these tasks and be eligible to receive significant amounts of the Airdrop.
So what are you waiting for, join the game now, complete the tasks in the earn section, receive the Airdrop and cash out on October 1st.
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